AMEA Ministries International

Advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.


Our Beginning

AMEA Ministries was launched in 2016 with a desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ be proclaimed and spread to the the farthest corners of the earth. We are committed to seeing evangelical, gospel centered churches planted and thriving para-church ministries begun and sustained. Our founding board was formed by assembling a group of mature Christian leaders with extensive experience in cross-cultural ministry, church planting in the 10/40 window, financial management, and the creation of effective non-profits.


“The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for the numerical growth of the body of Christ.”

— Tim Keller


Our Mission

We will work to advance gospel ministry in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia with a specific focus on issuing grants for:

  • The planting & revitalization of evangelical, gospel-centered churches
  • The development & training of pastors and church leaders
  • The establishment & support of parachurch ministries that aid the local church and contribute to the spread of the gospel. 

"If we want to fulfill the Great Commission then we must pursue the work of church planting..."

Mark Dever


The Need


5 billion

Population of the 10/40 Window

3 billion

Unreached in the 10/40 window



AMEA Ministries is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. If you would like to help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to regions of the world where there is little to no gospel witness, we invite you to contribute.

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